web hosting

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Web hosting is a process of renting space on a server to store the content of your website. Through this your website is available to the internet users 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
In addition to storing your website, the server also stores a dedicated email server using the same domain name (e.g. user@yourdomain.hr).


We offer web hosting packages that meet the needs of your website. Upon creating the website, we determine how much storage space is needed for it and put together an optimal web hosting package for each client.
Our fast and reliable serves are located in Croatia.

Features of our web hosting package:

At least 200 MB of disk space (upgraded and regulated according to client’s needs),
FLAT (unlimited) rate,
SSL certificate,
Email accounts and webmail (basic rate includes 1 email account with 1000 MB of space. Additional email accounts and more space are also available),
Apache, MySQL, PHP,
Fast service activation.

Web hosting costs and payments

With the best interest of our clients in mind, we constantly analyse the market for the best options available even though web hosting is not our primary service. By identifying the best value for money, we store our client’s websites on the best servers.       

The cost of annual web hosting varies from 100 EUR upwards unless the website is either very complex or has high traffic (approximately 70-80% of business websites fall within this bracket).

The cost of web hosting also includes the backup service which means that if something goes wrong we can quickly and safely restore the website. koja redovito radi backup vaše web stranice (za slučaj eventualnih poteškoća promptno i sigurno vraćamo web stranicu u prijašnju poziciju).

Feel free to contact us for our web hosting package or more information on our web hosting services.