Logo design

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logo design

Most frequently creation of visual identity begins with a logo. Logo design is a foundation on which the visual identity is built. Being simple, distinct and recognizable, logo defines your business and your brand, sends a message to potential clients, and distinguishes you from the competition.

Characteristics of a quality logo design:

Simple - simplicity of a design makes logo understandable and recognizable

Distinctive - distinctiveness is accomplished through simplicity. Simple shapes are easier to remember. When it comes to distinctiveness, colour plays an important role.

Appropriate - it is very important that logo is aimed at the target audience and that it differentiates from the competitors’ logos.

Adjustable - one of the characteristics of a well-designed logo is that it can be easily used in different applications.

Timeless - quality logo must resist the passing of time and remain distinctive and recognizable

Why choose JV Creativa for your logo design?

Knowledge, experience and creativity are our strong suit. It is up to you to see it for yourself.

We design each logo in three phases:

Creating a logo in three stages

1. Phase: Interview with a client and agreeing on guidelines

 2. Phase: We offer three visually and conceptually different designs

3. Phase: Two revisions (follow-ups of the chosen solutions)

Logo redesign

After a while your company’s logo can become obsolete and not present you properly any longer. Logo redesign will refresh and modernize your logo and your brand and it will widen your target clients.

The most famous world brands redesign their logos for the same reason (e.g., Apple, Pepsi, Nike).

When redesigning a logo, it is important to make sure that it keeps its recognizability as the trademark of your brand.

Reasons to redesign your logo:

You added new products and services

You are changing directions in your business

You want to broaden your business

You want to orientate towards new markets

You want to modernize your visual identity

If you already have a logo and you are not satisfied with it, it is time for a logo redesign.